Special Offer
Are you ready for a one time transformational opportunity?
4 Weeks Interactive Online Course
Immersion Weekend Well-being Retreat
Cultivate your own power, potential and purpose.
Live - Online - Interactive
Investment: £387
You are worth it and you are WORTHY.
This program is open to all: Teachers, Social Workers, Therapists, Yoga Teachers, Therapists, Coaches, Meditation Teachers, Massage Therapists & Body Workers, Hypnotherapists, Complementary & Alternative Medicine Professionals, other wellness professionals or anyone with a personal or professional interest in further education and developing a toolbox of techniques for well-being.
Use code: BUNDLE
** Limited Spaces **
Live Experience
New Tools
Be part of an intimate group of only 12 people.
Embark on a 4 week unique experience with your group.
8 Live Sessions and 1-2-1 Guidance.
Meditations, Yoga, Breath Work, Self-Inquiry, Workbooks, Resources & More.
20 Hour Continued Study Certification.
The Inner Healer Journey will take you to a deeper understanding of yourself.
Self-observation, Self-care, Self-knowledge and Self-love.
Healing from the Inside - Out
Discover ways to enhance your well-being and inner-peace.
Benefits you will experience as a result of the Inner Healer Journey:
Gaining new tools, techniques & resources.
Developing a Self-Care Routine.
Reconnection to the Inner Self.
Feeling more balance, peace and relaxation.
Assimilating new beliefs of who you truly are.
Realizing the healing potential inherent in you.
Strengthen your focus and the ability to be present.
Create a healthy, loving relationships with yourself and others.
A deep understanding of what you need and want to do to reach fulfillment in life.
Feel deeper love and gratitude for yourself, for life and living from the essence of your soul.
Communicate with the higher self and receive messages and guidance from your Inner Healer.
Use code: BUNDLE
Well-being Weekend Retreat - 8 hours
Premium Online Course
6 live sessions - 9 hours
1 to 1 Discovery session (20 mins)*
Inner Healer Monthly Membership
Resources & Worksheets
A certificate of completion (YAI)
(value of £60)
(value of £197)
(value of £300)
(value of £50)
(value of £20)
(value of £80)
(value of £100)
What you get in the bundle?
Use code: BUNDLE
Don't miss your chance!
Reminder: there are only 12 available places!
Watch Testimonials
When is it happening?
The Well-Being Weekend Retreat Schedule:
** DAY 1: October 2nd
Opening and Introductions to each other, to the retreat. Inquiry & First practices. (4 hours)
** DAY 2: October 3rd
The power of movement and Breath, and Meditation for stress-reduction and healing. (4 hours)
The Interactive Online Course Schedule:
4 weeks experience based on A UNIQUE METHOD IN 4 DIMENSIONS
Starting October 10th
Week 1:
Introduction to the Inner Healer and the 4D method.
Exploring The physical Dimension,
Reconnecting to and understanding the Body
Live Session 1 - Course Opening - Welcome, sharing, intention settings, commitments. (1.5 hours)
Live Session 2 - Understand Your Physical Dimension - Be in the Body. (1.5 hours)
Self-Study: ** Self-practice with the module’s exercises and tools.
Week 2:
Exploring the emotional dimension.
Deep healing, expressing, releasing and letting go.
Breath work and why it is important.
Live Session 3 - Connect Your Emotional Dimension - Feel Everything. (1.5 hours)
Self Study: ** Self-practice with the module’s exercises and tools.
Week 3:
Exploring the Mental dimension.
Expanding the consciousness.
Self-inquiry and mindfulness.
Live Session 4 - Know Your Mental Dimension - Mindfulness & Self-Inquiry (1.5 hours)
Self Study: ** Self-practice with the module’s exercises and tools.
Week 4:
Exploring the Heart dimension
Opening the heart, Loving unconditionally.
Celebrating the Inner Healer Presence.
Live Session 5 - Love Your Heart, Embrace Your Essence. (1.5 hours)
Live Session 6 - Special Closing Ceremony, Gratitude and Integration. (1.5 hours)
What next?
Continuation of Self-practice with the module’s exercises and tools, group is open - all content - unlimited!
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JJ Richards
"I've been reminded of my own strength, potential and beauty. Because of the safe space created and the deep generosity of the leaders and participants, it allowed me to tackle and examine areas of myself I wasn't so comfortable with. Through the course, I confronted these and started the journey to make peace with these more stressful/negative thoughts.
I have everything it takes to heal myself and change my life.
The group discussions were so gratifying! Everyone sharing their personal challenges so openly felt very heart expanding, like we were all there to help each other even if we live across the world from each other and have never met prior."
Rosario Llenas
"I loved the love meditation sessions and I experienced community, self reflection, sharing wisdom and meditations.
The live sessions were so warming, empowering and nourishing for the soul. Invaluable to be surrounded by such incredibly strong, open women from all around the world. Loved it!
Gaining tools on healing all 4 aspects of the human experience - body, mind, emotions and spirit. I haven't experienced a course/program that covers all in one besides this one.
Every session made me think how incredible this would be in real life, to have that time and space for deep conversation and reflection."
Katarina Molin Mota
"The most beneficial and meaningful thing for me
was understanding the importance of being present and accepting my past.
To connect with others that are also looking to understand themselves better and support each other, and finding the value of everyone that empower and support each other, have a community.
Idit and Jeni - I'm most grateful for the opportunity to join this amazing group of women and go through the healing/learning journey with a beautiful community. Thank you!"
We are together on this journey, stepping one step at a time to become better people - for ourselves and others. By changing the inner world we change the external world, and make it a better place.
Giving the tools so that you’re not dependent on someone else - it’s coming from you. We know that the essence of the Inner Healer is within every single person.
These tools and techniques have been specifically chosen because of their effectiveness, simplicity and ease of integration into your everyday schedule.
They can also be used as frequently as you want, it may be that you have one consistent practice but in times of high stress or anxiety, you use a different tool to help regulate or express yourself in this experience.