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A Mantra is a sacred utterance, sound, syllable, tone, word or group of words repeated with good intention.


The word Mantra is often translated as a "tool for the mind". It can also find it's etymology in the word Man - To Think more deeply, both point to the practitioner going deeper than the mind to their true nature.


- This Book contains 52 Mantras. 


- Translations for the Mantras. 


- Clickable Audio and Video links to listen and/or practice along with the Mantras. 


This book is for:


Those interested in learning more about Mantras.


For those seeking deeper knowledge of the healing power of sound.


If you are a Yoga instructor or Healer who wants to use Mantras for Personal, Inner-Development.


If you are a Yoga instructor or Healer who wants to use Mantra in Classes or Workshops.


If you are looking to THEME a yoga class, event or retreat based on Mantra.


As a Teaching resource if you are running a Yoga Training course.


If you are studying Transformational Yoga or taking part in a Transformational TTC Course.

The Book of Mantras

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